Personal Portfolio Webpage

This is a side-project* to practice HTML and CSS where I build a personal portfolio webpage. You can preview the page by clicking here.

The Goal

Build a personal portfolio webpage.


Sep ’23
freeCodeCamp, Responsive Web Design Certification



* What is a side project?

My main focus is Data Analytics and UX Design, but whenever I find time I am practicing computer languages to improve my CS literacy.

For this side project I followed freeCodeCamp’s Responsive Web Design Certification. For the complete code, you can visit my CodePen page.


The key elements and notes of this project:

  • The portfolio holds three main sections.
  • First section acts as home page.
  • Second section contains the projects in a grid.
  • Last section has contact links.
  • Top of these sections there is a fixed navigation bar and the bottom of the sections a footer.
  • The portfolio has at least one media query.
  • The height of the home page is equal to the height of the viewport.

This was the last project of the Responsive Web Design Certification by freeCodeCamp. Writing the html part was relatively easy after preparing previous four projects. However, I had difficulties to handle the media queries for different sizes of screens. Whatever I tired the page acted strange when changing the size of the view.

For this reason, I had to check the sample project’s codes closely and I liked how it was organized and built by using em units. I couldn’t stop myself to try exactly the same approach and I am afraid that’s why I had a similar result too (visually). But after all the point is to learn the way, I think.


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