Survey Form

This is a side-project* to practice HTML and CSS where I build a survey form. You can preview the page by clicking here.

The Goal

Build a survey form to collect data from the visitors.


Jul ’23
freeCodeCamp, Responsive Web Design Certification



* What is a side project?

My main focus is Data Analytics and UX Design, but whenever I find time I am practicing computer languages to improve my CS literacy.

For this side project I followed freeCodeCamp’s Responsive Web Design Certification. For the complete code, you can visit my CodePen page.


The key elements and notes of this project:

  • A form element with input fields that required entering a name and an e-mail.
  • Entering an email that is not formatted correctly, will get an HTML5 validation error.
  • The Age section requires a number input and does not accept non-numbers.
  • The number input has a range defined by the min and max attributes.
  • A dropdown element with several options to choose from.
  • Radio buttons to choose only a single option from.
  • Checkboxes with several fields to choose from.
  • An additional comments sections.
  • And finally, a submit button.


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