Exploring Titanic Dataset with Different ML Models

My role

Data Analysis & Research
Performing a detailed EDA, building ML Models


Jul ’23
Case study, openHPI
Data Science Bootcamp


Office Suite


The Data

The Titanic Dataset holds records of individual passengers on the Titanic, including some demographics and their survival status.

The Goal

I’ll create different models to predict survival on the Titanic, based on the given variables.


Pandas and Numpy for basics,
Matplotlib for analysis and visualization,
Seaborn for visualization and correlation matrix,
Sklearn for regressors and classifiers.


Data Processing
Exploratory Analysis

Recursive Partitioning
Data Visualization

Research data *

Titanic dataset is publicly available, yet not all analyses come with a concrete description of the origin of the data. I spent some time to learn more about the data and below you will find some information on this.

* DISCLAIMER I tried my best NOT to personalize the information that comes out of this dataset. The information provided herein, including passenger names, is considered personal data and we all should respect that. I performed this analysis only for educational purposes and to demonstrate my skills and how I approach to a dataset, that has a lot of socio-psychological factors in it.

1 Introduction

The Titanic dataset was introduced us during a Data Science Bootcamp, as it is one of the most popular entry-level practice sets available publicly. Our aim was to predict the survival rates by using different models. I successfully passed the assignment, yet after finalizing the course I wanted to deepen my analysis. Once I found out that Kaggle also uses the Titanic dataset as an encouraging starting point for people like me who are new into the ML field, I decided to enter their competition, titled ‘Titanic – Machine Learning from Disaster‘.

Having said that, my main motivation is not scoring high in that competition, not at all! I chose to practice there, because when it comes to the Titanic dataset, this particular competition seems to be one of the most active ones. In fact, it runs indefinitely without rewarding ranking points. My main target is to understand the ML models better.

1.1 The Titanic Dataset

As I did in my very first data analysis project, I did spend a huge amount of time to understand the data itself: The origin of it, if it is a real set: how and when it was collected, if not: what was the goal behind, and so on. Because I believe that every data-related research should start with questioning the data itself, even if it is a practice set.

M.L. Frank’s short paper is a good place to start and this is what I got from there:

“The principal source for the Titanic passengers dataset is the Encyclopedia Titanica. The datasets were begun by a variety of researchers. One of the original sources is Eaton & Haas (1994) Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy, Patrick Stephens Ltd, which includes a passenger list created by many researchers and edited by Michael A. Findlay.”

If you’ll check online the versions of this dataset, propably you’ll come across titles such as titanic, titanic2 and titanic3. It looks like most of the Titanic dataset available online (incl. the one in the Kaggle competition) are based on the titanic3 version, which is an updated version of the previous ones by dropping duplicate passengers, correcting many errors, and filling in some missing ages. The dataset has records for the passengers only, excluding the crew.

That dataset has three more variables than the one here: ‘Boat’ (Lifeboat), ‘body’ (Body Identification Number), and ‘home.dest’ (Home/Destination). Most of the datasets that I could find online did not have these three columns as well. Probably to provide the simplicity to a practice set.

1.2 Data Dictionary

Below I’ll give a table for the columns and their descriptions. This is slightly more detailed version of the one that is provided under the competition page. The dataset holds 1309 records* under 11 variables in total. This competition by Kaggle splits the dataset in two sets: While the training-data set has 891 records (1-891), the test-data set has 418 (892-1309) excluding the Survived column (for us to predict them).

Column TitlesDefinitionKey, and additional Notes
SurvivedSurvival0 = No, 1 = Yes
PclassTicket class1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, 3 = 3rd / A proxy for socio-economic status
NameName of passengersContains name, surname, title and some has additional names
SexSexFemale, Male
AgeAge in yearsAge is fractional if less than 1 and if estimated, it is in the form of xx.5
SibSpNo. of Siblings/Spouses aboard the TitanicMistresses and fiancés were ignored
ParchNo. of Parents/Children aboard the TitanicSome children travelled only with a nanny, therefore parch=0 for them.
TicketTicket numberMostly with numbers, some has letters too
FarePassenger farein Pre-1970 British Pounds
CabinCabin numberA combination of a letter and some numbers
EmbarkedPort of EmbarkationC = Cherbourg, Q = Queenstown, S = Southampton

*The exact number of people in Titanic is unknown. In most sources, it is mentioned that there were 2229 people (1316 passengers + 913 crew) on board.

2 Problem Statement

With this dataset, I’ll try to predict the survivals in the test-data. By doing so, I’ll examine every variable and the possibility of their effects on the survival.

2.1 Loading the Datasets

import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd 

import os
for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk('/kaggle/input'):
    for filename in filenames:
        print(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
train_data = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/titanic/train.csv")
0103Braund, Mr. Owen Harrismale22.010A/5 211717.2500NaNS
1211Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th…female38.010PC 1759971.2833C85C
2313Heikkinen, Miss. Lainafemale26.000STON/O2. 31012827.9250NaNS
3411Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)female35.01011380353.1000C123S
4503Allen, Mr. William Henrymale35.0003734508.0500NaNS
test_data = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/titanic/test.csv")
08923Kelly, Mr. Jamesmale34.5003309117.8292NaNQ
18933Wilkes, Mrs. James (Ellen Needs)female47.0103632727.0000NaNS
28942Myles, Mr. Thomas Francismale62.0002402769.6875NaNQ
38953Wirz, Mr. Albertmale27.0003151548.6625NaNS
48963Hirvonen, Mrs. Alexander (Helga E Lindqvist)female22.011310129812.2875NaNS

I’ll create copies of the train and test datasets, and combine them to study the data as a whole.

# Creating copies of train and test.
train = train_data.copy()
test= test_data.copy()

# Combining them into another dataframe.
df = pd.concat([train, test])
comb_data = df.copy()

# Listing what I got.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1309 entries, 0 to 417
Data columns (total 12 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------       --------------  -----  
 0   PassengerId  1309 non-null   int64  
 1   Survived     891 non-null    float64
 2   Pclass       1309 non-null   int64  
 3   Name         1309 non-null   object 
 4   Sex          1309 non-null   object 
 5   Age          1046 non-null   float64
 6   SibSp        1309 non-null   int64  
 7   Parch        1309 non-null   int64  
 8   Ticket       1309 non-null   object 
 9   Fare         1308 non-null   float64
 10  Cabin        295 non-null    object 
 11  Embarked     1307 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(3), int64(4), object(5)
memory usage: 132.9+ KB

2.2 Detecting the Missing Values

missing_comb = comb_data.isnull().sum()
missing_comb[missing_comb > 0]
Survived     418
Age          263
Fare           1
Cabin       1014
Embarked       2
dtype: int64

All the missing values of ‘Survived’ come from the test data, we don’t touch that. But for others we need some action.

  • 263 missing ‘Age’ ➡️ ≈20% 🚩 We have to consider setting median or cleaning the rows.*
  • 1 missing ‘Fare’ 🚩 We can use median.*
  • 2 missing ‘Embarked’ 🚩 We can use mode.*
  • 1014 missing ‘Cabin’ ➡️ ≈77% 🚩 That’s a lot! Needs to be checked, but probably I will drop this column out.

*These were my first thoughts. I’ll try something else for all the missing ones.

3 Basic EDA & Handling the Missing Values

To get to know the data, I’ll go through every single column.

3.1 Passenger Id

Id starts with 1 and ends at 1309. But it won’t serve the prediction. The column is in the set to match our predictions.

count    1309.000000
mean      655.000000
std       378.020061
min         1.000000
25%       328.000000
50%       655.000000
75%       982.000000
max      1309.000000
Name: PassengerId, dtype: float64

3.2 Survived

That’s our dependent variable, but let’s check the overall survival rates.

0    0.62
1    0.38
Name: Survived, dtype: float64

📍 The survival rate is 38% for 891 passengers, listed in the train-set.

3.3 PClass

I’ll check the total numbers of each ticket classes and their proportions.

Class_counts = comb_data["Pclass"].value_counts()
Class_percs = 
comb_data["Pclass"].value_counts(normalize=True).mul(100).round(2).astype(str) + '%'
pd.concat([Class_counts, Class_percs], axis=1, keys=['count', 'perc.'])

📍 More than half of the passengers were in 3rd classaround a quarter of them were in 1st class and a bit higher than a fifth of them were in 2nd class.

3.4 Name

Apart from the name and surname, the Name column includes some titles too such as Mr. and Mrs., and some rows has additional names in paranthesis.

0                              Braund, Mr. Owen Harris
1    Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th...
2                               Heikkinen, Miss. Laina
3         Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)
4                             Allen, Mr. William Henry
5                                     Moran, Mr. James
6                              McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J
7                       Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard
8    Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg)
9                  Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem)
Name: Name, dtype: object

I was not thinking that the name would serve the data model but I saw some people’s analysis where they were ‘taking out’ the titles from those names and using as a variable. So I found that interesting and despite the hard-to-grasp nature of regex, I wanted to practice these as well. Here it is:

# For any case, I'll practice on a copy.
cd_title = comb_data.copy()

# Seperating the titles, that come right after the comma.
cd_title["Title"] = cd_title["Name"].str.extract(", (.*?)\.")
Mr              757
Miss            260
Mrs             197
Master           61
Rev               8
Dr                8
Col               4
Mlle              2
Major             2
Ms                2
Lady              1
Sir               1
Mme               1
Don               1
Capt              1
the Countess      1
Jonkheer          1
Dona              1
Name: Title, dtype: int64

This could be clustered further as below. (Lady could be either Miss or Mrs, here assumed as Miss. Don and Dona are probably Spanish (or Portuguese) version of Mr and Mrs.)

cd_title["Title"].replace(["Ms", "Mlle", "Lady"], "Miss", inplace=True)
cd_title["Title"].replace(["the Countess", "Mme", "Dona"], "Mrs", inplace=True)
cd_title["Title"].replace(["Sir", "Jonkheer", "Don"], "Mr", inplace=True)
cd_title["Title"].replace(["Rev", "Dr", "Col", "Major", "Capt"], "Rare_Titles", inplace=True)
Mr             760
Miss           265
Mrs            200
Master          61
Rare_Titles     23
Name: Title, dtype: int64
# Checking the consistency of the data, by matching the Titles and the Sex.
Sex     Title      
female  Miss           265
        Mrs            200
        Rare_Titles      1
male    Mr             760
        Master          61
        Rare_Titles     22
Name: Title, dtype: int64
# It looks ok. Let's find out that rare title for that lady.
female_rare = cd_title[(cd_title['Title'] == 'Rare_Titles') & (cd_title['Sex'] == 'female')]
7967971.01Leader, Dr. Alice (Farnham)female49.0001746525.9292D17SRare_Titles

Ok, it was interesting but I am still not sure what this will bring more to the equation, except ‘Master’ and ‘Rare Titles’, that are -btw- very less proportionally. For now it seems to me that the ‘Title’ in its form is just another shape of ‘Sex’ and ‘Age’. But I’ll come back to this on further EDA and my thoughts will change a bit.

3.5 Sex

male      843
female    466
Name: Sex, dtype: int64

📍 A little shorter than two-third of the passengers were male.

3.6 Age

count    1046.000000
mean       29.881138
std        14.413493
min         0.170000
25%        21.000000
50%        28.000000
75%        39.000000
max        80.000000
Name: Age, dtype: float64

In the data dictionary it was written that the age is fractional if it is less than one (1) and some digits come in the form of xx.5, that were estimated. Let’s first check how many of them were estimated, because it’s no good if they are too many.

# Creating a copy of the set.
data_age = comb_data.copy()

# Filling the missing values with zeros, just to be able to use the astype.
data_age['Age'] = data_age['Age'].fillna(0)

# Finding the number of estimated values.
age_estimated = data_age[(data_age['Age'] >= 1) & (data_age.Age - data_age.Age.astype(int) != 0)]

Ok, they are not too many. Probably the authors had the birth years not the exact dates, so they came up with float numbers. Before considering the missing values, let’s examine the overall graph first.

# From now on, I'll need visuals.
import seaborn as sns 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
survived = comb_data[comb_data['Survived'] == 1]
died = comb_data[comb_data['Survived'] == 0]

plt.figure(figsize=(7, 3))
sns.kdeplot(survived['Age'], color='green', label='Survived')
sns.kdeplot(died['Age'], color='red', label='Died')
sns.kdeplot(df['Age'], color='gray', label='All Passengers')

plt.title('Age Distribution')
plt.xlim(0, df['Age'].max()) # set the limits of x-axis, not to start before 0

📍 More children survived than died.

3.6.1 Missing values of Age

Around 20% of ‘Age’ data is missing, which is not less. That’s why deleting them is -probably- not the best option. We can fulfill them with median, but since this will be a significant data change, I was in search of a better approach and came across the MICE (Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations) algorithm. I’ll perform this on further EDA, but let me first demonstrate what happens if we go with the median or mean.

If all age values would be integers, I’d go with the median (28) but let’s choose the mean (29.88) and round it down, closer to the median.

# Creating a seperate copy for this demonstration.
data_copy_age = comb_data.copy()

# Filling the missing values with 29.
data_copy_age['Age'] = data_copy_age['Age'].fillna(29)

Below I put two graphs on each other. Blue one is the original one with the missing values, orange one is the fulfilled one. You can see how we ‘distort’ the data towards one particular direction. That’s why I’ll try different methods on further EDA phase.

sns.histplot(data_copy_age["Age"], alpha=0.5)

3.7 SibSp

0    891
1    319
2     42
4     22
3     20
8      9
5      6
Name: SibSp, dtype: int64

📍 Most of the passengers were on board without a sibling or a spouse (or they did not prefer to mention them).


The distribution gets sparse for bigger groups. Let’s quickly check the biggest ones:

comb_data[comb_data['SibSp'] > 4].sort_values(by='SibSp', ascending=False)
1591600.03Sage, Master. Thomas HenrymaleNaN82CA. 234369.55NaNS
1801810.03Sage, Miss. Constance GladysfemaleNaN82CA. 234369.55NaNS
2012020.03Sage, Mr. FrederickmaleNaN82CA. 234369.55NaNS
3243250.03Sage, Mr. George John JrmaleNaN82CA. 234369.55NaNS
7927930.03Sage, Miss. Stella AnnafemaleNaN82CA. 234369.55NaNS
8468470.03Sage, Mr. Douglas BullenmaleNaN82CA. 234369.55NaNS
8638640.03Sage, Miss. Dorothy Edith “Dolly”femaleNaN82CA. 234369.55NaNS
1881080NaN3Sage, Miss. AdafemaleNaN82CA. 234369.55NaNS
3601252NaN3Sage, Master. William Henrymale14.582CA. 234369.55NaNS
59600.03Goodwin, Master. William Frederickmale11.052CA 214446.90NaNS
71720.03Goodwin, Miss. Lillian Amyfemale16.052CA 214446.90NaNS
3863870.03Goodwin, Master. Sidney Leonardmale1.052CA 214446.90NaNS
4804810.03Goodwin, Master. Harold Victormale9.052CA 214446.90NaNS
6836840.03Goodwin, Mr. Charles Edwardmale14.052CA 214446.90NaNS
1401032NaN3Goodwin, Miss. Jessie Allisfemale10.052CA 214446.90NaNS

According to the family names, we can assume that they were together. We need to remember this on further EDA.

3.8 Parch

0    1002
1     170
2     113
3       8
5       6
4       6
6       2
9       2
Name: Parch, dtype: int64

📍 Most of the passengers were on board without a parent or a kid (or they did not prefer to mention them).


Similar to SibSp the distribution is not ‘homogeneous’. These two columns are highly related to each other. I’ll come back to them on further EDA.

3.9 Ticket

count         1309
unique         929
top       CA. 2343
freq            11
Name: Ticket, dtype: object

A huge amount of the tickets were unique, yet some were not. Let’s have a quick look at them.

0            A/5 21171
1             PC 17599
2     STON/O2. 3101282
3               113803
4               373450
5               330877
6                17463
7               349909
8               347742
9               237736
10             PP 9549
11              113783
12           A/5. 2151
13              347082
14              350406
15              248706
16              382652
17              244373
18              345763
19                2649
Name: Ticket, dtype: object

Ticket codes alone don’t give us much information, since they come in different forms, as four, five or six digits and some of them accompanied with additional letters. Investigating them deeper would be hard without a proper direction about their meanings. Maybe we can narrow down by focusing on just the duplicates:

non_unique = comb_data[comb_data.duplicated('Ticket')]

📍 380 people hold tickets that has minimum one more person with the same ticket number. I’ll investigate this further on following steps.

3.10 Fare

count    1308.000000
mean       33.295479
std        51.758668
min         0.000000
25%         7.895800
50%        14.454200
75%        31.275000
max       512.329200
Name: Fare, dtype: float64

📍 We have 281 different Fare values and the standard deviation is high compared to the mean.

Let’s check the graph, but first I want to look at the min value, that is zero.

comb_data['Fare'].value_counts().get(0, 0)

We have one missing value and 17 zeros. Let’s list them.

comb_data.loc[comb_data['Fare'] == 0].sort_values(by=['Ticket', 'Name'], ascending=True)
8068070.01Andrews, Mr. Thomas Jrmale39.0001120500.0A36S
2661158NaN1Chisholm, Mr. Roderick Robert CrispinmaleNaN001120510.0NaNS
6336340.01Parr, Mr. William Henry MarshmaleNaN001120520.0NaNS
8158160.01Fry, Mr. RichardmaleNaN001120580.0B102S
3721264NaN1Ismay, Mr. Joseph Brucemale49.0001120580.0B52 B54 B56S
2632640.01Harrison, Mr. Williammale40.0001120590.0B94S
8228230.01Reuchlin, Jonkheer. John Georgemale38.000199720.0NaNS
4664670.02Campbell, Mr. WilliammaleNaN002398530.0NaNS
4134140.02Cunningham, Mr. Alfred FlemingmaleNaN002398530.0NaNS
2772780.02Parkes, Mr. Francis “Frank”maleNaN002398530.0NaNS
4814820.02Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood “Archie”maleNaN002398540.0NaNS
7327330.02Knight, Mr. Robert JmaleNaN002398550.0NaNS
6746750.02Watson, Mr. Ennis HastingsmaleNaN002398560.0NaNS
5975980.03Johnson, Mr. Alfredmale49.000LINE0.0NaNS
3023030.03Johnson, Mr. William Cahoone Jrmale19.000LINE0.0NaNS
1791800.03Leonard, Mr. Lionelmale36.000LINE0.0NaNS
2712721.03Tornquist, Mr. William Henrymale25.000LINE0.0NaNS

Some ticket numbers are same, some others are sequential with one exception. We have also four rows with ‘LINE’ as the ticket code (I double-checked, there are no more LINE tickets than these four). Since we also have a NaN value, maybe we can assume that these zeros were not a poor data entry, but these passengers got on board free instead. But we can’t be sure of this of course. Let’s check the overall distribution.


Considering that more than half of the passengers were in 3rd class, it is no surprize that this graph is right skewed. The distribution gets sparse above 100, let me check those at once.

high_fare = comb_data[comb_data['Fare'] >= 100]
1    84
Name: Pclass, dtype: int64

When the price gets higher than 100, we see only 1st class tickets. Again (similar to the SibSp and Parch), higher values (here Fare) may mean something else, rather than (or in addition to) the names the columns carry. We’ll remember this on further EDA too.

3.10.1 Missing Value of Fare

Before moving on, let’s handle that one missing value of Fare.

count    1308.000000
mean       33.295479
std        51.758668
min         0.000000
25%         7.895800
50%        14.454200
75%        31.275000
max       512.329200
Name: Fare, dtype: float64

We could use the median (14.45) for this, but let’s have a closer look to the entire row. Maybe we can catch something else.

1521044NaN3Storey, Mr. Thomasmale60.5003701NaNNaNS

Let me first check that we have same ticket number or not. If yes, maybe we can use its fare.

comb_data.loc[comb_data['Ticket'] == '3701']
1521044NaN3Storey, Mr. Thomasmale60.5003701NaNNaNS

There is no pair for this ticket. Now we can check the Fare rates with the same Pclass (3) and Embarked (S) values.

comb_data[(comb_data['Pclass'] == 3) & (comb_data['Embarked'] == 'S')].Fare.describe()
count    494.000000
mean      14.435422
std       13.118281
min        0.000000
25%        7.854200
50%        8.050000
75%       15.900000
max       69.550000
Name: Fare, dtype: float64

The median Fare for a passenger who embarked from Southampton in 3rd class was 8.05. Let’s use this for that missing value, rather than the one from whole fares.

comb_data['Fare'] = comb_data['Fare'].fillna(8.05)
count    1309.000000
mean       33.276193
std        51.743584
min         0.000000
25%         7.895800
50%        14.454200
75%        31.275000
max       512.329200
Name: Fare, dtype: float64

3.11 Cabin

More than 1000 values are missing for Cabin, which is a huge amount of data. But anyway let’s have a look at it.

count             295
unique            186
top       C23 C25 C27
freq                6
Name: Cabin, dtype: object
C23 C25 C27        6
B57 B59 B63 B66    5
G6                 5
C22 C26            4
F33                4
F2                 4
B96 B98            4
C78                4
F4                 4
D                  4
E101               3
C101               3
B51 B53 B55        3
A34                3
E34                3
B58 B60            3
C106               2
D26                2
C2                 2
B49                2
Name: Cabin, dtype: int64

These letters and numbers indiciates sections of the ship, hence the locations of the cabins. It would be very nice to have them all, in that way we could examine tickets not only per class but per location within those classes as well. Yet we have much less values in this column.

3.12 Embarked

S    914
C    270
Q    123
Name: Embarked, dtype: int64

📍 Almost 70% of passengers got on board at the port: Southamptonaround 20% at Cherbourg, and a little less than 10% at Queenstown.

3.12.1 Missing Value of Embarked

Since it is only 2 missing values, we could easily fill them with the mode, which is ‘S’. But first let me have a look at them like I did with the Fare.

61621.01Icard, Miss. Ameliefemale38.00011357280.0B28NaN
8298301.01Stone, Mrs. George Nelson (Martha Evelyn)female62.00011357280.0B28NaN

I”ll check that we have other passengers with the same ticket or not.

len(comb_data[comb_data['Ticket'] == "113572"])

Only these two rows have this ticket, now let’s check the fare-ranges within the classes for each ports.

sns.boxplot(data=comb_data, x="Fare", y="Embarked", hue="Pclass")
plt.axvline(x=80, linestyle="dashed", color='red', alpha=0.6) # This is the fare they paid.
#plt.axvline(x=40, linestyle="dashed", color='blue') 

Considering the embarked port and the ticket’s class, it looks like it is better to predict them as ‘C’ Cherbourg, not ‘S’ Southampton.

❕ Side Note: In the description of the Fare column, it was written that it indicates the passenger fare, not the ticket fare. So that’s why I did not divide the fare in passenger count.

comb_data['Embarked'] = comb_data['Embarked'].fillna('C')
count     1309
unique       3
top          S
freq       914
Name: Embarked, dtype: object

4 Further EDA & Data Processing

4.1 Pclass (and Survival)

sns.countplot(x='Pclass', hue='Survived', data=comb_data)
plt.title('Survival by Passenger Class')
plt.legend(title='Survived', labels=['No', 'Yes'])

There is a big difference between the classes when we check the survival rates. I’ll consider this column into my equation.

📍 While in 1st class more passengers survived than died, in 3rd class more than twice as many passengers died as survived. 2nd class has almost equal numbers of survived ones and the victims.

4.2 Names & Titles (and Survival)

As I previously mentioned (in 3.4 Name) I was thinking that the titles I extracted from the names are -like- indicators of age and sex (except the rare ones). But to be sure of that, let me check this one visually and try to understand how the Titles spread across the Age variable.

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4))
sns.boxplot(data=cd_title, x="Age", y="Title")

Ok, I have to admit that the image -in my mind- of a Master was quite different than pictured here. It looks like I was wrong about the possible ‘signals’ that the Title may carry. While I am still thinking that this formation above is a biased approach (because we have some distinct title for young males, but none for females*), I’d consider Title in my equation, as I think it may bring something more than the existing variables. The survival rates within the Titles are also quite ‘strong’, as shown below.

*Side Note: If you wonder how many young ladies this dataset has within the Master-range (that is Age <= 14.5), it is 57 (out of 265 Misses).

Master         0.57
Miss           0.70
Mr             0.16
Mrs            0.80
Rare_Titles    0.28
Name: Survived, dtype: float64

Said that, considering the Names themselves would be an extremely hard task and I doubt that it would be ethical as well. Therefore, for now Titles in, Names out.

# Taking the Titles from my temporary dataframe.
comb_data['Title'] = cd_title["Title"]

# Since the Id column won't serve us, I am dropping that one too.
comb_data = comb_data.drop(columns=['PassengerId', 'Name'])

4.3 Sex (and Survival)

sns.countplot(x='Sex', hue='Survived', data=comb_data)
plt.title('Survival by Sex')
plt.legend(title='Survived', labels=['No', 'Yes'])

📍 Even though the majority of passengers were male, more women survived than men. (who are listed in the train-dataset)

4.4 Embarked (and Survival)

I am not sure how a departure point would effect something like survival rates. But then two things came to my mind: First, the ports may have safety instructors/boards (yes, for such a big accident, it wouldn’t be so fair to accept these as significant as some other factors) and second, these ports may represent some communities. Then again, we can’t be sure where people are really from (even so, should we really consider this as a factor?).

I still think one shouldn’t rely on such probabilities for a bigger scale, yet I want to check the embarkation points anyway.

sns.countplot(x='Embarked', hue='Survived', data=comb_data)
plt.title('Survival by Departure Ports')
plt.legend(title='Survived', labels=['No', 'Yes'])

📍 Among the three ports, only the passengers who got on board from Cherbourg had a higher survival rate than died.

These digits may represent other factors (such as Pclass or Sex, as seen above) as well, but since their distributions differ I’ll consider this column as one of my independent variables too.

4.5 Ticket & Cabin

We’ve seen that the tickets’ codes don’t give us much information without knowing the meaning of those letters and numbers. For that reason, I’ll drop this column out of my equation. However, I’ll come back to the tickets that has the same code on the following steps.

I’ll drop the Cabin too, simply because that it has too many (1014) missing values.

comb_data = comb_data.drop(columns=['Ticket', 'Cabin'])

4.6 Fare

Deciding what to do with the Fare was one of the hardest decisions for me in this analysis. Almost all analyses that I came across took this column as an independent variable. I simply can’t find a concrete reason that the fare could effect the survival rate directly. Because there may be tons of unrelated reasons to determine the cost of a ticket. I wouldn’t be that skeptic if we’d somehow translate the Fares into something else -say- the Cabins for instance. If all tickets were sold at the same time in the same place, maybe we could do so but unfortunately we can’t.

Let’s check the Fare-range within this dataset visually.

Class_1 = comb_data[comb_data['Pclass'] == 1]
Class_2 = comb_data[comb_data['Pclass'] == 2]
Class_3 = comb_data[comb_data['Pclass'] == 3]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
sns.kdeplot(Class_1['Fare'], color='green', label='Class_1')
sns.kdeplot(Class_2['Fare'], color='orange', label='Class_2')
sns.kdeplot(Class_3['Fare'], color='blue', label='Class_3')
plt.title('Fare Distribution')
plt.xlim(0, comb_data['Fare'].max())

As we’ve seen before (in 3.10 Fare) there are only 1st class tickets above 100 and the above graph reveals that in a much wider perspective. We can see that 2nd and 3rd class both ends around 70-80. Their little ‘bumb-ups’ close to their tails are propably for group tickets. It is also clear that the density (for all classes) starts to get so low even around 50. When a data distribution gets that sparse, we have to be very careful. Because examining them may mean ‘examining some particular groups’, regardless of the Fare they paid. (Besides, we also have some zero values.) That’s why I decided not to consider the Fare into my equation. I will raise the same doubts for SibSp and Parch as well.

comb_data = comb_data.drop(columns=['Fare'])

4.7 Change to Numerical Values

Before I move into fulfilling the missing Age rows, let me first convert the objects into numerical ones.

comb_data['Sex'] = comb_data['Sex'].map({'female':0,'male':1})
comb_data['Embarked'] = comb_data['Embarked'].map({'S':0,'C':1, 'Q':2})
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

le = LabelEncoder()
comb_data['Title'] = le.fit_transform(comb_data['Title'])

4.8 Age (and the Missing Values)

I’ll try imputing missing values of Age by using several different models. My aim here is to find better options for those missing values than just applying the mean or median, as it will cause a great change in the distribution, as we’ve seen above (in 3.6 Age). I’ll try to keep this process as simple as possible.

In sklearn’s documentation, it is mentioned that the estimator is still experimental, hence we need to explicitly import the imputer. I’ll follow these steps:

  • First I’ll try it with default features. (Right after I did that, I found out that IterativeImputer uses BayesianRidge by default, which seems that it is not the best option for predicting the age.)
  • LogisticRegression is also not good for predicting ages, but for classification.
  • Then I’ll try three different regressors, that I am more or less familiar with: KNeighborsRegressorDecisionTreeRegressor, and RandomForestRegressor.
from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer
from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
#import xgboost
4.8.1 Missing Values with IteraticeImputer’s Default Features
# Each copy will serve different models.
cd_age1_def = comb_data.copy()
missing_Age_def = cd_age1_def['Age'].isna()

# Applying and fitting on the data.
imputer_def = IterativeImputer(random_state=22)
imputed_values_def = imputer_def.fit_transform(cd_age1_def)
# Replacing the missing values with the imputed values.
cd_age1_def[missing_Age_def] = imputed_values_def[missing_Age_def]
count    1309.000000
mean       29.512958
std        13.504016
min        -4.138461
25%        21.000000
50%        28.840357
75%        36.500000
max        80.000000
Name: Age, dtype: float64

Having a minus value for age is not good (this is where I realized that I have to change the default estimator), but comparing the graph with the existing values (below) shows that I may be on the right direction.

sns.histplot(cd_age1_def["Age"], alpha=0.5)
4.8.2 Missing Values with other Models

Let’s repeat the process with all other models.

cd_age2_knr = comb_data.copy()
cd_age3_dtr = comb_data.copy()
cd_age4_rfr = comb_data.copy()
#cd_age5_xgb = comb_data.copy()

missing_Age_knr = cd_age2_knr['Age'].isna()
missing_Age_dtr = cd_age3_dtr['Age'].isna()
missing_Age_rfr = cd_age4_rfr['Age'].isna()
#missing_Age_xgb = cd_age5_xgb['Age'].isna()

imputer_knr = IterativeImputer(
    estimator = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=15),
    random_state = 22

imputer_dtr = IterativeImputer(
    estimator = DecisionTreeRegressor(),
    random_state = 22,
    max_iter = 10

imputer_rfr = IterativeImputer(
    estimator = RandomForestRegressor(max_depth = 10),
    random_state = 22,

#imputer_xgb = IterativeImputer(
#    estimator = xgboost.XGBRegressor(),
#    random_state = 22,

imputed_values_knr = imputer_knr.fit_transform(cd_age2_knr)
imputed_values_dtr = imputer_dtr.fit_transform(cd_age3_dtr)
imputed_values_rfr = imputer_rfr.fit_transform(cd_age4_rfr)
#imputed_values_xgb = imputer_xgb.fit_transform(cd_age5_xgb)
cd_age2_knr[missing_Age_knr] = imputed_values_knr[missing_Age_knr]
cd_age3_dtr[missing_Age_dtr] = imputed_values_dtr[missing_Age_dtr]
cd_age4_rfr[missing_Age_rfr] = imputed_values_rfr[missing_Age_rfr]
#cd_age5_xgb[missing_Age_xgb] = imputed_values_xgb[missing_Age_xgb]

I checked them all for not having a minus value, and below I plot them all together:

Age_org = comb_data["Age"]
Age_med = data_copy_age['Age']
Age_knr = cd_age2_knr["Age"]
Age_dtr = cd_age3_dtr["Age"]
Age_rfr = cd_age4_rfr["Age"]

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
sns.kdeplot(Age_org, color='green', label='Age_org')
sns.kdeplot(Age_med, color='cyan', label='Age_med')
sns.kdeplot(Age_knr, color='blue', label='Age_knr')
sns.kdeplot(Age_dtr, color='red', label='Age_dtr')
sns.kdeplot(Age_rfr, color='orange', label='Age_rfr')

plt.title('Age Distribution')
plt.xlim(0, comb_data['Age'].max()) 

This graph reveals that all three models are performing ‘closer‘ (to the original values) than the one that we simply applied the median (cyan colored one). I’ll go with the Random Forest Regressor, that looks closer to the original distribution.

Side Note: Just to experiment further I did try xgboost as well, that is a totally new estimator to me. It performed very close to the Random Forest, but when the ‘Title’ variable were absent, it did give me minus values.

#Assigning the imputed values to the dataframe.
comb_data['Age'] = cd_age4_rfr["Age"]
4.8.3 Final Touches for the Consistency

Let me check what kind of new Age values got assigned, by observing their distributions within the Titles and try to understand if there are some ‘unnatural’ ones.


It looks not bad. All the min and max values are the same as before, except the max value of the Masters (here ‘0’). Let me first check how many we have more than 14.5, that was the initial max amount for this title.

master_older = comb_data[(comb_data['Title'] == 0) & (comb_data['Age'] > 14.5)]

We can easily change it to 14.5 and I don’t like the fractions that come with the new imputations. I’ll change them all (except the babies less than a year old) into either whole numbers or the xx.5 format that we had in the original dataset.

#Changing the imputed max amount of Master.
comb_data.loc[(comb_data['Title'] == 0) & (comb_data['Age'] > 14.5),'Age'] = 14.5

#Handling the fractions.
comb_data['Age'] = np.where((comb_data['Age'] >= 1), round(comb_data['Age']*2) / 2, comb_data['Age'])

#Checking the final situation.

4.9 SibSp & Parch (and Partners or not)

Let’s remember the numbers for these two columns, but this time with their respective proportions.

comb_data['Parch'].value_counts(normalize=True).mul(100).round(2).astype(str) + '%'
0    76.55%
1    12.99%
2     8.63%
3     0.61%
5     0.46%
4     0.46%
6     0.15%
9     0.15%
Name: Parch, dtype: object
comb_data['SibSp'].value_counts(normalize=True).mul(100).round(2).astype(str) + '%'
0    68.07%
1    24.37%
2     3.21%
4     1.68%
3     1.53%
8     0.69%
5     0.46%
Name: SibSp, dtype: object

It is clearly shown that the number of passengers with a single parent/child, or with a single sibling/spouse are quite low and the passengers with more than one of those relatives are extremely low. I tried a bunch of combinations to be able to understand the relationships between passengers, like

  • No SibSp, but with min one Parch, or
  • No Parch, but with min one SibSp, or
  • No SibSp, but with more than two Parchs (assuming that they might be adults in this formula).

For me it is hard to define those connections (if there is any). For instance, we don’t know how Parch is described for someone who may have both parents and kids on board. This can go on and on. The distribution for SibSp and Parch is not ‘homogeneous’.

Remember how we realized (above in 3.7 SibSp) that checking passengers whose SibSp is greater than 4, is actually checking only two families! ‘Being with a family’ here may mean ‘being not-alone’, however maybe it is also a much stronger indicator of ‘being a member of a particular family/group’. Therefore I don’t think that it would be fair to examine the survival rates of those families/groups and come up with a generalization based on their circumstances.

Yet we also know the importance of being not alone under such extreme circumstances such as a disaster. To take into consideration this, yet also to eliminate the effect of being a member of a one particular family/group, I’ll approach with a much more broad and ‘inclusive’ way and cluster the passengers only into two groups: with someone or without.

For sure, we can’t be quite sure and we have to trust the data entry here.

# The number of passenger who did not mark any relatives.
singleton = comb_data[(comb_data['SibSp'] == 0) & (comb_data['Parch'] == 0)]

Let’s create a column, titled Partner and count these 790 people as singles (without someone) and the rest as with someone.

# Creating a list of the conditions.
conditions = [
    (comb_data['SibSp'] == 0) & (comb_data['Parch'] == 0),
    (comb_data['SibSp'] >= 1) | (comb_data['Parch'] >= 1),

# Creating a list of the values that I want to assign for each condition.
values = [0, 1]

# Creating a new column and use np.select to assign values to it. 
comb_data['Partner'] = np.select(conditions, values)

# Displaying updated DataFrame.
# Double-checking the changes.
0    790
1    519
Name: Partner, dtype: int64

There may be passengers who did not marked them as family or who are on board with a friend too. Now let’s try to enrich this by considering that ‘dublicate’ Tickets that I mentioned in the 1st phase of EDA (in 3.9 Ticket). For this I’ll need Ticket column again.

# Getting the Ticket column back into the dataframe.
comb_data['Ticket'] = df['Ticket']

# The number of 'singles' that holds identical tickets with someone else.
friend_tickets = comb_data[(comb_data.duplicated('Ticket') == True) & (comb_data['SibSp'] == 0) & (comb_data['Parch'] == 0)]

80 passengers had same ticket codes and yet get on board without a ‘relative’. Yes, we can’t be sure that they were really together, or even so that they were close enough. But then we may have ‘not-that-close-relatives’ within those families too, or real acquaintances without any sign (SibSp, Parch or same code) on the ticket. / I’ll count these 80 passengers* as they were accompanied by others too.

*Side Note: I double-check the followings too: 44 of them were in train set and 21 of those survived.

# Changing their Partner status.
comb_data['Partner'] = np.where((comb_data.duplicated('Ticket') == True) & (comb_data['SibSp'] == 0) & (comb_data['Parch'] == 0), 1, comb_data['Partner'])

# Checking the changes.
0    710
1    599
Name: Partner, dtype: int64
4.9.1 Partner (and Survival)

I want to quickly check the survival rates within this new Partner column as well:

sns.countplot(x='Partner', hue='Survived', data=comb_data)
plt.title('Survival by Partner')
plt.legend(title='Survived', labels=['No', 'Yes'])

Looks like, being with someone ‘moderates’ the survivals, but being alone most-likely ‘harms’ the rate. But I am not saying these as an outcome. This Partner variable is just to mark those who may have someone onboard they were acquainted with, that’s all. Looking only to this graph won’t be an accurate approach! But I believe considering the relationships of the passenger in such a broad way is more fair than looking every single families seperately.

# Dropping these columns out, but keeping the Partner variable in.
comb_data = comb_data.drop(columns=['Ticket', 'SibSp', 'Parch'])
#Final list of the columns.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1309 entries, 0 to 417
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------    --------------  -----  
 0   Survived  891 non-null    float64
 1   Pclass    1309 non-null   int64  
 2   Sex       1309 non-null   int64  
 3   Age       1309 non-null   float64
 4   Embarked  1309 non-null   int64  
 5   Title     1309 non-null   int64  
 6   Partner   1309 non-null   int64  
dtypes: float64(2), int64(5)
memory usage: 81.8 KB

5 Prediction with Different Models

At long last, here I am to build some models and get the predictions. Even though I am not after scoring high in the competition, I still need to do this and compare the results. I’ll start with Logistic Regression and then try three more models: K-Neighbors ClassifierDecision Tree Classifier and finally Random Forest Classifier. At the end I’ll compare their performs.

I will use all the remaining columns as variables and I already convinced myself with the decisions I took in the above steps, yet anyway I want to quickly check the correlation matrix as well.

corr_matr = comb_data.corr()
sns.heatmap(corr_matr, annot=True, cmap='coolwarm', square=True)

5.1 Split into Train and Test Sets

First I need to split the data back to its original train and test sets. But to get our model’s score, we need the PassengerId column back too.

comb_data['PassengerId'] = df['PassengerId']
comb_data = comb_data[['PassengerId'] + [col for col in comb_data.columns if col != 'PassengerId']] #Locating it at the beginning.(not a must though)
train_data = comb_data.iloc[:891,:]
test_data = comb_data.iloc[891:,:]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 891 entries, 0 to 890
Data columns (total 8 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------       --------------  -----  
 0   PassengerId  891 non-null    int64  
 1   Survived     891 non-null    float64
 2   Pclass       891 non-null    int64  
 3   Sex          891 non-null    int64  
 4   Age          891 non-null    float64
 5   Embarked     891 non-null    int64  
 6   Title        891 non-null    int64  
 7   Partner      891 non-null    int64  
dtypes: float64(2), int64(6)
memory usage: 62.6 KB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 418 entries, 0 to 417
Data columns (total 8 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------       --------------  -----  
 0   PassengerId  418 non-null    int64  
 1   Survived     0 non-null      float64
 2   Pclass       418 non-null    int64  
 3   Sex          418 non-null    int64  
 4   Age          418 non-null    float64
 5   Embarked     418 non-null    int64  
 6   Title        418 non-null    int64  
 7   Partner      418 non-null    int64  
dtypes: float64(2), int64(6)
memory usage: 29.4 KB

5.2 Normalization

# Creating X, y from the data frame.
feature_columns = ['Age', 'Pclass', 'Sex', 'Partner', 'Embarked', 'Title']
X = train_data[feature_columns].values
y = train_data['Survived'].values

X_test = test_data[feature_columns].values
y_test = test_data['Survived'].values
# Feature scaling.
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

scale = StandardScaler()
X_scaled = scale.fit_transform(X)
X_test_scaled = scale.transform(X_test)

5.3 Creating ML Model 1: Logistic Regression

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix
model_lr= LogisticRegression(random_state=2)
model_lr.fit(X_scaled, y)
#Predicting the test set results.
y_predict_m1_lr = model_lr.predict(X_test_scaled)
accuracy_score_lr = round(model_lr.score(X_scaled, y) * 100, 2)
print("Accuracy of LogisticRegression for train set:", accuracy_score_lr, "%")
Accuracy of LogisticRegression for train set: 80.02 %
confusion_matrix(y, model_lr.predict(X_scaled))
array([[473,  76],
       [102, 240]])
5.3.1 Calculating my own probability of survival
# Age: 41 / Class: 2 / Sex: 1 - male  
# Partner: 1 - with my wife
# Embarked: 0 - assume, boarded in Southampton
# Title: 2 - Mr

X_alper = pd.DataFrame([[41, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2]])
X_alper_scaled = scale.transform(X_alper)

# Using the model to predict the outcome for me.
pred_prob = model_lr.predict_proba(X_alper_scaled)
print(f"Probability of survival for Alper: {pred_prob[0][1]*100:.2f}%")
Probability of survival for Alper: 15.11%

My own survival probability is very low. If I would have a 3rd class ticket, the rate drops down to less than 5%, travelling in 1st class raises the rate up to 39% for me.

5.4 Creating ML Model 2: K-Neighbors Classifier

model_knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=5)

# Fitting the model.
model_knn.fit(X_scaled, y)

# Predicting the test set results.
y_predict_m2_knn = model_knn.predict(X_test_scaled)
accuracy_score_knn = round(model_knn.score(X_scaled, y) * 100, 2)
print("Accuracy of KNeighborsClassifier for train set:", accuracy_score_knn, "%")
Accuracy of KNeighborsClassifier for train set: 86.53 %
confusion_matrix(y, model_knn.predict(X_scaled))
array([[500,  49],
       [ 71, 271]])

5.5 Creating ML Model 3: Decision Tree Classifier

model_dtc = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=5, random_state=2)

# Fitting the model.
model_dtc.fit(X_scaled, y)

# Predicting the test set results.
y_predict_m3_dtc = model_dtc.predict(X_test_scaled)
accuracy_score_dtc = round(model_dtc.score(X_scaled, y) * 100, 2)
print("Accuracy of DecisionTreeClassifier for train set:", accuracy_score_dtc, "%")
Accuracy of DecisionTreeClassifier for train set: 84.18 %
confusion_matrix(y, model_dtc.predict(X_scaled))
array([[530,  19],
       [122, 220]])

5.6 Creating ML Model 4: Random Forest Classifier

model_rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, max_depth=5, random_state=2)

# Fitting the model.
model_rfc.fit(X_scaled, y)

# Predicting the test set results.
y_predict_m4_rfc = model_rfc.predict(X_test_scaled)
accuracy_score_rfc = round(model_rfc.score(X_scaled, y) * 100, 2)
print("Accuracy of RandomForestClassifier for train set:", accuracy_score_rfc, "%")
Accuracy of RandomForestClassifier for train set: 84.51 %
confusion_matrix(y, model_rfc.predict(X_scaled))
array([[523,  26],
       [114, 228]])

5.7 Comparing the ML Models

The below table shows a comparison of the four models on train dataset. I can’t tell how they will perform on test set before I submit them seperately, but propably they’ll perform lower.

Train Score0:00:11:01:1
Log Reg80.02 %47376102240
K-NN86.53 %5004971271
Des Tre84.18 %53019122220
Ran For84.51 %52326114228
5.7.1 Reading the Results

Before interpreting the results, I want to underline that these insights shouldn’t be read as the concrete outcome for the following reasons:

  • These scores are based on the train-set, hence the data that our models have already seen.
  • Again, my main motivation is not high scores, but understanding the structure of these models.
  • Said that, there are many other models to be studied with.
  • Any slight tweaks in the parameters of the regressors would change the results. Therefore, I tried to stay within the default boundaries of them.
5.7.2 Comparing the Results
  • Overall (with the above configurations), the K-Neighbour performs the best and the Logistic Regression the worst.
  • While K-Neighbour predicts the Survived ones the best, both Tree-Models performs better on predicting the Victims.
  • While Logistic Regression predicts the Victims the worst, it performs better than both of the Tree-Models on predicting the Survived ones. (Side Note: On some of my iterations, Desicion Tree reached Logistic Regression, Random Forest could not)
5.7.3 Tweaking the Parameters

Even though I wanted to keep this as simple as possible, I also played with the adjustments slightly out of curiosity and to understand the model’s behaviours better.

  • K-Neighbour: 86.53% (n neighbour:5) > 83.05% (n:11) > 82.72% (n:21) > 80.25% (n:31)
  • Decision Tree: 84.18% (max depth:5) > 91.36% (d:10) > 93.49% (d:15) > 93.49% (d:20)
  • Random Forest: 84.51% (max depth:5) > 92.82% (d:10) > 93.49% (d:15) > 93.49% (d:20)

Looks like, Trees getting overfit while getting deeper in max-depth.

5.7.4 Final Words on Model Comparison

Since my main aim is to understand the models’ behavior better, here are the inferences I could come up with:

  • K Neighbour‘s slightly better performance might be coming from its type that is of instance-based learning, hence non-generalizing learning.
  • Mostly I am somehow distant to the decision trees, because whenever I checked their results visually, it seems to be they are not ‘natural’ at all. They don’t provide smooth, continuous lines. I guess, exactly because of this behaviour they are prone to overfitting.
  • In its documentation, it is recommended to balance the dataset prior to fitting with the decision tree. Therefore, I applied feature scaling above.
  • I think Random Forests are to provide alternatives to individual decision trees, that tend to overfit by exhibiting high variances. However, here in this analysis both performs very similarly.

6 Going Forward


What I learned:
  • Data analysis is an iterative work. I understand the importance of working with copies.
  • When facing with missing values, it is easier to handle them with mean or median. But there may be more accurate approaches. They don’t even have to be much complicated.
  • Numeric correlations don’t necessarily mean ‘real’ relations, let alone hinting the causation.

Next Steps

If I’d have more time, I could study the followings:

❶ Since the data is publicly available, the survivals from the test-data can be gathered and the models’ performance could be studied further by considering different metrics, such as precision, f1-score or recall.

❷ Different ML models can be built.

❸ Some variables could be investigated further, such as trying to find some patterns in ticket codes or fare rates.


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